
The Dashboard is the first page you see after logging into the system. It provides quick access to essential modules and key insights into daily company statistics.

Dashboard Features: 

Upon logging in, your name and last login information are displayed. Below that, you’ll find useful quick-access buttons:

Dashboard main block

  1. Add Client: opens the page to create a new client profile; 
  2. Crew Schedule: opens the page to view or create new crew schedules; 
  3. Workorders: displays the workorders list, categorized by WO statuses; 
  4. View Leads: opens the leads map, displaying them as pins; 
  5. Office Schedule: allows you to view and manage tasks for office workers and set new appointments for estimators;
  6. Own Estimates: redirects you to the Own Estimates submodule. 

Under the quick access tab, the following information is displayed:

  • the list of auto-logged users;

Auto Logout

  • Leads with the New status assigned to the currently logged-in user;

My Leads

  • Tasks with the New status assigned to the currently logged-in user;

My Tasks

  • Users who are currently online.

People Online

To-do List

On the right side of the Dashboard, you'll find the user's To-Do List, where you can view or add new tasks.

  • To add a new task, click the green + button, enter the task details, and click the checkmark to save. If the task is urgent, don't forget to mark it as Urgent.

Add new task

  • To assign the task to another user, click the Arrow button and select the user from the list.

Assign task to someone

  • You can edit or delete tasks by clicking the Pencil or Bin icons, respectively.

Edit or delete task

  • Once the task is completed, mark it as done by ticking the checkbox.

Finish task


In the header, several icons are available on every page of the system.

  • Live search helps find clients, estimates, invoices, etc., with minimal information (e.g., first name letters or house number);

Live search

  • To send or view the received SMS messages from clients, click the Phone icon.
Note that the SMS feature is integrated separately. Please contact us to learn more.

Phone Icon

  • To access the integrated messenger and communicate with your team members, click on the Message icon. 
Please note that the messenger is available both on the web and app versions of ArboStar. 

Message icon

Knowledge base

Note that these sections are available to the admin type of users.On the other hand the Knowledge base is accessible by all users.

Clock In / Clock Out

Below your username, you can find the Report button to access the clock-in menu. You can also start the time tracker directly from the Dashboard using the Play button.

Clock In / Clock Out

Click here to learn more about Clock In/Clock Out.

Productivity Pulse

The Productivity Pulse section in the center of the page provides real-time insights into key business metrics for the current day. You can adjust the time range using the calendar to view specific data. The information is divided into sections such as reports, clients, leads, estimates, work orders, and invoices.

In the first section you can find insights about clients and leads:

The Clients row:

  • Displays the total number of clients up to the selected date and the number of new clients added within the chosen period. Click on the number, to see the list of newly created clients and access their profiles.

The Leads row:

  • Displays the total number of leads up to the selected date. Click on the number, to see the list of newly created leads and their respective creators.

The following section shows detailed information about Leads separated by their statuses. It displays the total number of leads and new leads added within the period.

The next section is all about Estimates. It shows the total number of estimates divided by statuses (e.g., new, sent for approval, pending, confirmed, declined, expired) and revenue or loss associated with each of those statuses.

The Workorders row shows how many WOs the company has up to the date indicated on the calendar and their cost.  

The Invoices row shows the number and cost of invoices.

The next section shows detailed information about Invoices separated by their statuses. Here you can see how many invoices have been issued, sent, and paid, and how many overdue or holdback invoices there are. It also displays the revenue or loss associated with each invoice status.