Office Schedule

The Schedule → Office Schedule is an appointment calendar for creating and managing office-related and estimators' tasks. Let’s explore its features.

Office Schedule overview

1. The Day, Week, or Month options change the calendar view to the selected time frame. Click the Today button to return to today's schedule. 

Today, Day, Week, Month views

2. Click the < and > arrow buttons to navigate through the prior or following periods (depending on the view);

Select date period

3. Click the Map to view the route map with pinned appointments and the estimator's itinerary for the day.

Map button

4. The Select Users displays the list of all support users. Click All users to select all employees at once, and Users with tasks, to display only personnel with assigned appointments;

Select users

Once employees are chosen they'll be automatically added the PDF copy of the roster.

5. Click the File button to open a separate browser tab displaying the PDF document with all task details, including the assigned user, client’s name, address, scheduled date, and more.

Available in Day only

PDF file example

Available on the Day view only.

Route Map

The Route Map visualizes the best route between tasks, helping estimators plan their day more efficiently and enhancing the overall productivity of the company.


1. Click the Map button then add a tick next to Terrain to display the physical map based on the actual terrain of a region.

2. Click the Satellite → Labels to remove labels from the screen.

3. Select an assigned employee to create the itinerary from the office address straight to the task location. Click on a pin to see the appointment address;

Creating routes

4. Click this button to expand the map to a full-screen, hiding all other elements;

5. Click and drag to any place on the map to see real-time surroundings of the area;

6. Click the and - buttons to zoom in/out the map ;

7. The pin shows the exact address of the task. Click the X button to close the pop-up window.

Task creation

New tasks can be easily created and assigned directly from the office schedule at any time, making it an extremely useful tool for operation management. 

  • To create a new task, double-tap or click and drag the cursor on a calendar to set an appointment time. In the pop-up window, fill in the event details and click the Create Task button to confirm your inquiry.

Create task on the office schedule

  • To adjust the task duration, you can either move the cursor at the bottom of the task and drag the arrow up or down to set the desired time or double-click on the task to open the Update Task window.

Task duration configuration

  • To send an email to the client or estimator, click the Email button.
  • To send an SMS to the client or estimator, click the Phone button.
  • To delete the task, click the Bin icon.
To link a lead to an event, enter the client's name and select a lead from the newly displayed drop-down menu. Please note that leads with a Declined status are not available for selection.

Task card

Tasks linked to clients display the client's name as the card header. However, it is possible to set a task address as a card header. For that please navigate to the Company Management Office Schedule "Address" as card Title and turn the switcher ON.

Displaying additional data