Customizable Forms

You can customize the forms that are used on the ArboStar App. To access the "Forms" module, click on the user name in the top right corner and from the menu choose “Forms”.

"Forms" module

Here you can access the existing forms or create new ones. To create a new form, click on the “Plus” icon and in the new window choose the necessary options.

"Add new form" modal window

To learn more about how to create a new form, click here.

For already existing forms, here are the actions to take:

Actions for existing forms

  1. To activate/deactivate the form. If you deactivate the Safety form, the form submission will not be required before the job starts.
  2. To access the list of submissions that have used the form.
  3. To preview the form.
  4. To edit the form fields.
  5. To duplicate the form.
  6. To delete the form.

Access the List of "Submissions for the Form"

When accessing the View the Form Submissions section, you can:

View the Form Submissions

  1. View submission data.
  2. View the form in PDF.
  3. Edit the form details.
  4. Delete the form.
Note: you can also filter the list based on the user and date range for an easy access.

Submission filters

When navigating to the "View Submission Form" page, you can view the form in the PDF format, download, edit or delete it.

Form in PDF, download, edit or delete

"Preview the Form" Page

On the "Preview the Form" page you you can edit or delete the form.

Edit the form

"Edit the Form" Page

When navigating to the "Edit the Form" page, on the left you can find a list of various components to apply to the form. To add a component to the form, click on it from the list and drag and drop it where it needs to be.

Search fields of form

Note: you can use the "search" option for fast results.

For already used components you can edit them, move them to a new section, copy or delete them.

Actions for used components

On the "Edit the Form" page, you can:

Edit form page actions

  1. Archive the form.
  2. View it.
  3. Duplicate it.
  4. Delete it.
After making the changes, don't forget to hit the "Save Form" button to save the changes.