Tags Management on the Web

ArboStar's "Tag Management" feature is a powerful tool that helps users manage their customers via different tags.

With the "Tags" feature users can easily add, edit and remove tags as well as use them for the filtering option in various modules.

Adding Tags to Client Profile

The first step in adding tags to the customer profile is on the  "Add Client"  page.

For that simply type in the tag's name in the "Tag" section and either hit "Enter/Return" or click on the tag's name from the list.

Type in tags section

Note that if the tag has previously been used in the system, when using it again an autofill option appears after filling out 2 consecutive letters of the tag's name.

Select tag

After adding a tag, if you need to remove it, click on the "X" in front of the tag.

Remove tag

After adding the client, the added tags will be available on the  "Client Profile"  page in the "Tags" section on the top of the page.

View tag

You can add new tags or remove the existing tags in a similar way as on the "Add Client" page.

Note that you can add separate tags to workflows on the client profile.

There is a "Tags" field under each workflow where you can add tags.

Note that those tags would only be applicable to the workflow, not the whole client profile or other workflows.

Tags only for workflow

Alternatively you can add tags for the workflow in the "Tags" section of the "Leads" window. After adding the tags, they will be applicable for the whole workflow.

Add tags for the workflow

Lead tags

You can also add tags for the workflow in the "Estimate for ..." section that can be accessed from the estimate, workorder or invoice pages.

Workflow tag in "Estimate for..."

Use Tags for Filtering

Tags can be used for filtering the list in the  "Clients List"  section.

For that on the "Clients List" page click on the Filter icon and fill in the tag names in the "Tags" row.

You can either choose the required tags from the list or fill in the 2 letters from the tag's name to narrow down your search.

Filter by tags

You can also use the tags to filter the  "Workorders"  list.

For that click on the Filter icon and choose the tags from the "Tags" row similar to the "Clients List" section.

Filter workorders by tags

Tags can also be used in the  "Sales"  section of the "Business Intelligence" module.

For that choose the required tags from the "Select Client tags" field of the "Filter" section.

Select client tags

Tags Management from the "Company Management" module

Tags can be managed from the web in the  "Company Management" section.

To access the section, click on the user's name in the top right corner and choose the "Company Management" option.

Company management section

In the "Company Management" page scroll down to the "Tag Management" section.

Tag management

In this section you can rename the tags as well as remove tags from the system.

To do that, click on the required tag from the section.

Rename or remove tags

  • To rename the tag, from the pop-up window change the name in the "Name" section.

Edit tag window

  • To delete the tag, from the pop-up window click on the "Bin" icon.

Delete icon