Sales Statistics

"Sales statistics" provides detailed insights about estimates, WO and invoices’ sales.

This section is helpful if you want to gain data about how each type of entity performed.

It also helps you analyze your sales in different stages of lead journey.

To access the "Sales statistics" section, navigate to “Business Intelligence” → “Sales”.

On the left side of the screen, you are presented with a filter that can be adjusted according to your needs and preferences.

Access sales statistics

  • To access sales statistics based on client type, click on the “Client Type” field and choose the preferred one from the drop-down menu. Note that If you do not choose the client type, the filter will consider all client types.

  • You can also add tags from the "Select Client Tags" field to make the filtering more precise.

  • To access sales statistics based on the entity type, click on the “Select Entity” field and choose whether you want to access sales data of estimates, WOs or invoices. Note that if you do not choose the entity type, the filter will consider all the entities.

After the entity is chosen, new filter options appear below. You can now select the estimator, time period, status, services and products to meet your data needs.

After all the required filters are chosen, to access the information, click on the “Go!”.

Available filters

If you want to reset the filter or a specific field to its default state, click “Reset”.

After you click on the “Go!” button, on the right side of the screen the filtered sales report appears in a form of a graph.

  • If you want to disable one of the services on the graph, click on the rectangle next to it.
  • When disabled, to enable it back, click on the rectangle one more time.

If you navigate the mouse to the column on the graph, you can see the details for the service.

Detailes for the service

In the top right corner, there are 4 buttons:

4 available buttons

  • To select or unselect all the services on the graph, click on the “Select/Unselect Services” button.
  • To show or hide service names/information from the top of the graph, click on the “Show/Hide Services” button.
  • To export the information in the CSV format, click on the “Export to CSV” button.
  • To export the information in the PDF format, click on the “Export to PDF” button.

Below the graph, a list with detailed information about the entities that are shown on the graph is available.

Info about entities that show on graph

If you click on the client's name, you will be forwarded to the client’s profile.

In the “Project” section, there are 3 dots: Estimate, Workorder and Invoice. When clicking on one of the dots, you are forwarded to the project’s estimate/WO/invoice page accordingly.

The colors of the dots correspond with their status:

  • Complete - Green
  • In Progress - Orange
  • Not Found (does not exist) - Red

Favorite Filters for Sales reporting

For Sales reports, you can now create customized filters and save them. This way you will not have to manually select filter options every time you are generating a specific report.

For that, after filling out the filter criteria click on the “Star” sign next to the button “Go!”. A pop-up window will appear where you can name the filter and then click “Save”.

Create favourite filter

The saved filter will appear in the “Favourite Filters” section in the top left corner.

Saved fovourite filters

  • To use the filter, just click on it.
  • To remove, click on the "Bin" icon next to the filter's name.