Recurring Jobs and Projects

To enhance the user experience and fasten the job creation process, services can be scheduled from the Workorder profile. Once you select at least one service, the Create Job button will appear. You can create an unscheduled job or multiple jobs at once by using the Multiple Times or Until the Finish Date options.

For instance, if the field workers need to visit the job site more than once to complete it, you can easily create recurring jobs for the same service.

Let's imagine that the client ordered a recurring Deep Root Fertilizing service that has to be done on Wednesdays and Fridays three times every other week. In this case jobs can be programmed using the Multiple Times repeatability option.

In the same way as jobs, the whole project can be set as recurring, which is extremely helpful if you are working with corporate and municipal clients and you have a monthly contract with them.

To make a project a recurring one, simply open an existing estimate or Workorder profile and press the Copy button.

Now let's imagine that as per contract the trimming services must be provided every 5th and 15th and 25th date of every month until the end of the year.

To program that recurring project in the system choose the Recurring Copy and select status for copies. After that please set the repeatability until the 31st of December and choose the corresponding dates.

Choosing the Recurring Copy option allows you to schedule workorders or estimates according to the specified settings. The appearance and functionality of date settings are the same as for the Recurring Jobs. All scheduled Recurring Projects can be found on the Schedule → Recurring List page.

The main difference between Recurring Jobs and Projects is that jobs generate immediately and the projects are going to be scheduled for the future.