Unscheduled Jobs

The Unscheduled Jobs section on the Crew Schedule is specifically designed to enhance scheduling flexibility by allowing the jobs transfer within the calendar. With this feature, you can add a single-visit jobs to Unscheduled basket straight from Workorder Profile and schedule them later once you have a suggested schedule date for services.

The feature can also be used in case you need to move an already scheduled job to another day due to weather conditions or other circumstances.

The number of unscheduled jobs for the current day is shown above the label.

Another way to add a job to Unscheduled basket is to select it from the Workorder list during the initial scheduling on the Crew Schedule. It also can be done by an estimator while creating a quote for client.

The quick filter helps you to navigate through unscheduled jobs and has the following options:

  • Actual displays the current day selected in the Crew Schedule.
  • Before shows all unscheduled jobs for the dates before the actual date
  • After shows all jobs with suggested scheduling date after the actual date on a calendar.

The unscheduled jobs can be added to the schedule by dragging them from the menu to the calendar. In case there’s a need to reschedule a job for another day, you can easily drag it from the calendar to the unscheduled list for later usage.