Task Categories

In the Task Categories submodule, users have access to the list of categories that are used for the tasks and can create a new task category, edit an existing one, or disable it.

Navigate to Tasks Task Categories to find this submodule.

1. Click the + button in the top right corner to add a new category. The modal window with adjustments appears.

Next to Task Sticker Color, there are 2 options: User and Custom. The tick shows the selected option. Clicking the square box on the right allows the user to choose a custom color when they select Custom. Otherwise, if the User option is selected, the ArboStar system will assign the color of the user to the task category.

Default category - is pre-selected during the task creation process. Only one created category can be Default.
Under Preset Notification Settings, the user can select any of the following options:

  • Client SMS;

  • Estimator SMS

  • Client Email;

  • Estimator Email.

If the check mark is added next to one or several options, then the selected options will be pre-selected on the Schedule Appointment screen while creating a new task and selecting this category.

Example: The user creates a new lead for an existing client and wants to schedule an appointment (i.e. task) for the estimator. Click on the Schedule Appointment and the user will be redirected to the appropriate screen. Check the image below.

The Client SMS, Estimator SMS, Client SMS, and Estimator Email options will be auto-populated.

The user has created a task category, where all options are under Preset Notification Settings were selected. When users select this category for the new task, all selected options are auto-populated. Thus, the screenshot above shows that all checkmarks were added automatically.

If the checkboxes are checked, then after creating a task the user will be asked to send Emails/SMS to the Client or Estimate.

Under Default Description, the user can input text information for the task with a newly created category.

2. Clicking on the pencil button allows the user to edit the adjustments of the category.

3. Clicking on the blue button with the eye icon makes the task category disabled or enabled (hidden/unhidden). The crossed-out eye means that by clicking on the button, the task will be enabled (unhidden). Otherwise, when clicking on the blue button with the eye icon will make the task disabled (hidden).

4. A checkmark next to the task displays to the user that the task is a default one. As mentioned in the Create Category only one task can be selected as default.

5. The Busy label historically means that this specific task category was designed as a Busy category task. When the task with this category is utilized, it indicates periods during which a user is unavailable, such as needing time away from work for some time. During these times, no tasks should be assigned to the user. Consequently, the Busy category does not display project-related and client profile information and cannot be selected from the Schedule Appointment and Task module sections.

Example: Check the image below where the tasks with the Busy and Estimate Appointment category are presented.