Repair Requests

In the "Repair Requests" section, can find the list of all the repair requests with their detailed information as well as create new ones.

The section is useful if you want to see what repair, maintenance or damage requests are currently there for equipments.

It is also possible to see what stage the requests are in.

You can also see what requests are assigned to you or create new requests.

Note that the repair requests that have been created on the app for the equipment are also available here.

To access the "Repair Requests" section, navigate to "Equipment""Repair Requests".

The list can be filtered based on the status, repair type, repair priority, assignee and equipment:

  • To filter the list based on the repair status, click on the “Status” filter and choose the required option from the drop-down list.
  • To filter the list based on the type, click on the “Type” filter and choose the required option from the drop-down list.
  • To filter the list based on the priority, click on the “Priority” filter and choose the required variant from the drop-down list.
  • To filter the list based on the assignee, click on the “Assigned to” filter and choose the required variant from the drop-down list.
  • To filter the list based on the equipment, click on the “Equipment” filter and choose the required variant from the drop-down list.

  • To refresh the list, click on the “Refresh” icon at the top of the page.

  • To create a new repair request, click on the “Plus” sign, in the pop-up window fill in all the information and click “Save”.

Note that if you click on the equipment name, you will be forwarded to the equipment page.

The existing repair requests can be edited, deleted or assigned to a specific person:

  • To assign a user to the repair request, click on the “User” sign and in the pop-up window choose the required user.
  • To edit, click on the “Pencil” icon and make the necessary changes in the pop-up window.
  • To delete the existing request, click on the “Bin” icon.