Email Templates

Sending emails is a common practice during the work routine. Adding email templates for relevant scenarios can optimize this workflow.
To access this submodule, navigate to ClientsEmail Templates

Email Templates module

How to Add New Template

To add a template, click on the + icon in the top right corner and compose the message in the pop-up window that appears.

Add template popup window

The pop-up has the following elements:

Pop-up window elements

1. To add an email subject, you should fill out the Template Subject text field;

2. Adding a tick next to News Template will make this email template appear as default within the Clients Newsletters submodule;

3-8 menu items

3. Clicking the first button cancels the last edit made. Clicking on the second button restores the previous edit;

4. Allows formatting the message contents: Headings, Inline, Blocks, Alignment;

5. Text formatting: Bold or Italic;

6. Aligns the text left, center, right, or justifies the text;

7. Adds bulleted list. You can select the type of bullets within the list: (default, circle, disc, square);

8. Adds the table to the message. Once the table is added, more advanced options become available like table properties, cell properties, options to add extra column or row;

9-17 menu items

9. Clicking this button decreases\increases the indent between the left frame and text;

10. Clicking this button shows the color palette, where the text color\background color is adjusted;

11. Clicking this button shows the list of emoticons available that can be added to the message;

12. Clicking this button expands the height of the text input field;

13. Clicking this button allows you to preview the message's contents. It can be useful before sendinфg an email;

14. Clicking this button inserts an order list into the message. The system proposes a few options for how the order list points can look like default, lower Alpha, lower Greek, lower Roman, upper Alpha, upper Roman;

15. Shows a modal window, where you can add an image that they want to add to the message;

16. Allows adding hyperlinked text that will redirect recipients to a specific URL. Another way to hyperlink text is to highlight the text in the message and then click on this button;

17. Opens a modal window with an HTML editor, where you can adjust the HTML structure of the email message.

Source code modal window example.

Source code modal window

18. By clicking [var] opens a drop-down list of all variables available that can be added to the message.

Email template variables

Variables drop-down list example.
More detailed information on variables can be found in this Help Center article.

19. Words count.

Words count

Editing an Email Template

Clicking a pencil button allows editing an existing email template.

Deleting an Email Template

Clicking a bin button removes an existing email template.

New email templates

All newly created email templates are shown on a white background.

Default email templates

All system default email templates are shown on a gray background and cannot be removed.