January 2022, Release Notes for the Mobile App


Support for System Push Notifications is added. When receiving a message in the app, users receive a push notification on the phone not to miss any messages.

Push Notifications

Additional Information added to Address

With the new update on the mobile app a new “additional information” field is available in the address section of client profile.

In the “Add. Information” you can fill out any additional information such as a street intersection, etc. that is not part of the address suggested by autofill.

Additional Information to address

After you add the additional information, it will be available as part of the address in all sites where the client’s address is available.

The “Add. information” can be added and edited in all sites where “Address” is available.

Add. info field

Added Task Profile

With the new update task profile is added. It has become more convenient to edit and view tasks, more information, including lead information, is available. Now it is also possible to edit all the aspects of the task such as the address, time and, in general, all the components that were filled in directly when creating the task. To edit the task, click on the “Edit” button.

Task Profile

Client Profile Redesign

With the new update we have added a new design to the client's projects, making it more convenient.
Now you can open either the profile of the estimate / lead / workorder / invoice separately, or open the whole project and have a look at all of its components, such as payment statistics and notes on the project.

Client Profile Redesign

Layouts Redesign

With the layouts redesign we have added new icons on the sidebar. The visual effects have also been changed.

Now on the clients / leads / estimates / workorders / invoices list pages when opening the bottom menus (pop-ups of address, phone numbers, project menus) if you click on the horizontal lines and hold it, you can move it up and down.

Layous Redesign

Color and Design Updates

We have improved the color range of the app, making it more suitable and comfortable for use. All the extra bright colors of the buttons and icons are removed resulting in improved user experience.

Color and Design Updates