Estimate Confirmation with Signature Through an Email Link

Estimate Confirmation

Clients can confirm estimates through a link available in the estimate email that clients receive for Estimate confirmation.

Confirm estimate using link from email

On this page, clients can see Estimate details, all services and photos that are attached to the Estimate. Clients can confirm it by making a deposit (if your company has set up the credit card processing) or by signing it and can also download it.

Possible actions with estimate

When clicking on the “Confirm” button if the cc processing is set up, clients have 2 options: deposit or signing. If not, then they are directed to the signature page.

Deposit or signing an estimate

This web page is also available when sending an invoice to the client.

After the client puts their signature, the status of the estimate changes to “Confirmed” and the status of the automatically created workorder changes to “Confirmed for approval”.

When the client e-signs the estimate via the link in the sent estimate email, both the client and the company receive a “Confirmed Estimates” notification email about the estimate being signed.