Leads for Approval

To access this submodule, navigate to LeadsFor Approval.

Once the team confirms the request, they create a lead for the new client or merge it with an existing one, assigning the For Approval status.

This review process helps to avoid the creation of duplicate clients.

Clicking the blue filter button allows the user to filter the data on the page according to the status. The filter automatically selects the For Approval status by default. The badge counts next to each status and next to the For Approval submodule name. It shows the actual number of leads with a specific status out of all leads in the system.

  1. Clicking the yellow filter button allows the user to filter the data on the page based on the following:

  • Tags added to the project;

  • Assigned estimators;

  • Services mentioned within the lead;

  • Lead date;

  • Lead postpone date.

  1. Clicking the Pin button redirects the user to the Leads Map submodule (see this article for more information);

  2. Clicking the client’s name redirects the user to the client’s profile;

  3. Clicking the sort icon next to:

  • Client Name sorts the data on the page from Z. If clicked twice, from ZA;

  • Lead Date sorts the data on the page from the oldest to the newest date. Clicking twice will sort the dates from the newest to the oldest;

  • Created By, sorts the data on the page from AZ. If clicked twice, from ZA;

  • Assigned To, sorts the data on the page as follows: first empty entries in this column and then from AZ. If clicked twice, from ZA and then empty entries;

  • Postpone, sorts the data as follows: first empty entries in this column and then from the oldest to the newest date. Clicking twice, from the newest to the oldest and then empty entries;

  1. Clicking the lead redirects the user to the lead profile;

  2. Clicking the dropdown changes the current lead status to the selected from the dropdown;

  3. Clicking the eye button redirects to the lead profile;

  4. Clicking the leaf button creates an estimate within the project.