Managing Estimate Statuses

"Estimate Statuses" submodule

In this submodule, users can see the existing default and other estimates statuses, and edit or disable (hide) them.
To access this submodule, navigate to EstimatesStatuses.

Estimate statuses page overview

1. To add a new status for the estimates, users should click on the + icon. Whenever the button is clicked on, the system will show a modal window that allows the creation of a name, and status priority, and sets whether it will be a Confirmed status or Declined status. By default, the Default and Sent statuses are unique and cannot be added twice.

These stages will help you track the life span of a particular estimate and receive stats on a company's overall performance.

Example: The modal window, that appears once the + button is clicked on.

Create new status

When creating a new estimate status, the checkmark is added next to the Declined status, the system will allow adding several Decline Reasons.

Set decline reasons

  1. Clicking on the pencil button, allows the user to change only the name of the existing status.

  2. Clicking on the crossed-out eye button enables the status (shows it in the system). Otherwise, clicking the eye button disables the status (hides in the system).

  3. All statuses on this page, that do not have a blue eye/crossed out eye buttons, are default ones.