User Statistics

View detailed office user activity stats

The "User Statistics" section provides data about office user activities in a specific time range.

Here you can see statistics for the calls, emails and the created clients/leads/estimates/WOs/invoices separated by users who have created them.

The section is helpful if you want to gain insights about what office user's have achieved during a certain time period.

To access the “User Statistics” analytics section, navigate to “Business Intelligence” → “Personnel ” → “User Statistics”.

In the first row you can access data about the incoming and outgoing calls, see who have answered or made the calls and how long the calls have taken.

Note that you can also hear the recordings of the calls.

Recordings of calls

Below that, you can see the data for the created leads, estimates, workorders and invoices in the chosen time range.

The data is divided by the users who have created them. Next to the user you can see the number of entities created by the user.

Created leads, estimates, workorders, invoices

Below, you can see the information for sent letters, created clients, and user links.

The data is divided by the users who have created them. Next to the user you can see the number of entities created by the user.

Number of entities created by user

The data can be filtered based on date. To filter the statistics based on start and end dates, click on the “date” fields, choose the necessary start and end dates and click “Go”.Select date range