General Accounting Analytics

View detailed accounting stats

The general accounting statistics section provides data about different types of payments, both received and not paid yet.

The section is helpful if you want to gain insights about different stages the invoice payments are in.

You can see how much the company has received in a required time period and how much the company has spent.

You can also see if the clients liked or disliked the services and based on the response make further decisions.

To access the “General” section for accounting, navigate to “Business Intelligence” → “Accounting” → “General”.

In the first 3 rows you can find detailed information about the invoices.

  • The first row provides information about the paid invoices and the expenses that were required for jobs. In the "Balance" section you can see the net income without and with the tax. This section is useful if you want to gain insights about how much the company earned in the chosen time period.

Paid invoices

  • The second row provides information about the created invoices and the expenses that were required for jobs. It includes both paid and unpaid invoices. This section is useful if you want to gain general insights about invoices in the chosen time period.

Created invoices

  • The third row provides information about the received payments and the expenses that were required for jobs.

Received payments

  • In the forth row you can see how much in average the clients have made payments in a day and in a month.
  • You can also see if the clients liked or disliked the services you provided.
  • It also provides statistics on leads services.

Other stats, Likes, Leads services stats

  • The last row provides statistics about client contacts, client payments, new clients and new estimates in the chosen date range.

Client Contacts stat

The data can be filtered based on date. To filter the statistics based on start and end dates, click on the “date” fields, choose the necessary start and end dates and click “Go”.

Filter by date range