Payroll Overview

Manage employee payroll

In the "Payroll Overview" you can find an overview of the payroll for all the employees.

To access the “Payroll Overview” section, please navigate to Personnel → Payroll → Payroll Overview.

In this section you have access to the information of hours worked, average rate, sum of payment, deductions, average man-hour rate, total rate, and how many hours the person has been late. The information is divided according to different types of employees that have worked during the chosen time period along with the list of users who have not worked.

It provides information for the current two weeks. To see the information for the previous or next two weeks, please click on the according tabs. You can also filter the payroll time to meet your needs from the calendar.

Filter by time period

You can access the payroll report for each user. To access the report in the PDF format, click on the “Book” icon next to the required user.

Access report in PDF

To access the “Payroll Overview PDF”, “Payroll PDF”, download “Payroll Overview CVS” in excel or commission information in the PDF format, click on the according button in the bottom of the screen.

Payroll overview PDF, Payroll PDF, Payroll Overview CSV