Estimates List

Overview of Estimate List

The Estimates List displays all Estimates along with their related information for users to view.

To access this submodule, navigate to Estimates List.

Estimate List submodule

1. The blue filter button allows filtering the estimates list according to their status.

Example: when the user clicks the blue filter button.

Blue filter button

By adding the checkmark next to All, the system will select all available estimate statuses or if one or several options are selected; To the right, the system displays the actual number of estimates with a specific status in blue ellipses.

2. Yellow filter button allows the user to filter the estimates list according to the following parameters: date range, price range, services included, estimators assigned, last email status of the email with the estimate (that was sent), tags added to the estimate. Clicking on the Go button will add all chosen parameters to the filter, and the data in the list will be shown accordingly.

Example: The modal window with filter, when clicking on the yellow filter button.

Modal window with filter

  1. Clicking on the Sort icons next to Client name, Date, Estimator, and Status, will sort the data list.

  • When clicked next to the Client name, the data will be sorted from A to Z, and if clicked twice: from Z to A

  • When clicked next to Date, the data will be shown from the oldest to the newest entries. If clicked twice, would show the vice versa data;

  • When clicked next to Estimator, the data with estimator names will be sorted from A to Z, and if clicked twice: from Z to A;

  • When clicked next to Status, the data will be sorted as follows: first goes numbers, then from A to Z. If clicked twice: from Z to A, and finally goes entries with numbers.

  1. Clicking any client’s name will redirect the user to the client's profile.

  2. Clicking the tooltip (?) next to Last Emails shows the state of the last email sent with an estimate. For convenience, please take a look at the screenshot below to see all such statuses.

Last Email statuses, with description.

Last Email statuses

  1. Clicking on the status allows the user to change the estimate status from the modal window that appears.

  2. Clicking on the pencil button redirects the user to edit the estimate.

  3. Clicking on the eye button redirects the user to the estimated profile.

  4. Clicking on the envelope button allows the user to send an email with the selected estimate and customize the text of the message.

  5. Clicking on the Previous, Next, or page numbers, allows the user to navigate between pages of the estimate list.