Lead Statuses


This submodule allows users to set rules that match certain lead statuses.

To access this submodule, navigate to LeadsLead Statuses.

Users can edit and add Lead Statuses.


The system has 5 default statuses: Default, Estimated, For Approval, Declined, and Draft. However, each status can have a different name for convenience.

  • Default - the status appears once the new lead is created;
  • Estimated - status appears on the lead, once the estimate was created and saved;
  • For Approval - status appears on every lead if it is submitted through the website and the website integration is set in ArboStar;
  • Declined - status is set to the lead if the estimate was deleted. It also has status reasons that explain why the lead was declined. Those reasons can be adjusted within the leads profile;
  • Draft - status is set to the lead if the user added the estimate but didn’t save anything. Leads with such status haven't been finalized or confirmed yet.

1. To add a new Lead Status, click on the green + icon located in the top right corner, fill in the name, and then click the Save button.

2. To edit an existing Status, click on the pencil icon next to the lead status.

3. Disabling the system statuses is not possible. However, clicking on the eye icon allows the user to disable the other statuses that created. 

It will not be possible to assign disabled status to new Leads. Previously assigned Leads in this status will remain in it.

Move Leads (with this status) to any other active status and only then make the status disabled. Otherwise, it will be impossible to filter them (but only by active status) in this status on the Lead List.