April 2022, Second Release Notes for the Mobile App

Added Permission for Time Tracking without Enabled GPS

Previously to track the time it was necessary to allow the app to access GPS and turn on the location. Now the users with permission to track time without location can start/stop the time tracker without the need to turn the GPS on or enable access to geolocation.

To turn the GPS access requirement off, from the web navigate to “User Management” select the preferred user and from the “Settings” section choose “Require GPS to track time access ” as “No”.

Require GPS to track time access

Note: if we select "YES", the user will be required, as before, to turn on GPS and allow the app access to start the time tracker.

Added Permission for Crew Leaders to Change Job Service Status

With the new update, crew leaders can change the job service status on the app.

To enable the feature, from the web navigate to “User Management” select the preferred user and from the “Settings” section choose “Edit job Service status access” as “Yes”.

Edit job service status access

After that crew leaders can change service status from the job profile.

Service status from job profile

Added Service Price on the Job Profile

When the change service status permission is on, crew leaders have the ability to see the cost of the services on the app.

Note: To enable the feature, from the web navigate to “User Management” select the preferred user and from the “Settings” section choose “Edit job Service status access” as “Yes”.

Edit job service status access

After that, the crew leader will be able to see the service price on the mobile app.

Service price on mobile app

Added Permission for Crew Leaders to Create and Send Invoices from the Job

Now it is possible for crew leaders to create invoices from jobs if they are provided permission.

To give permission, from the web navigate to “User Management”, select the preferred user and from the “Settings” section choose “Send invoice after workorder finished Access” as “Yes”.

Send invoice after workorder finished access

After changing all service statuses to “Completed”, “Finish Workorder” button appears. If you click on it, the workorder status will change to “Finished”.

Note: you can edit the service statuses both before and after starting a job.

Edit service status

Note: After clicking on the “Finish Workorder” button, a new window for sending the invoice opens.

After the WO status is changed to “Finished”, the “Send Invoice” button appears.

Workorder status "Finished"

Note: If the client’s phone number is available, there is a possibility to send an SMS to the client informing the invoice is ready.

Messenger Bug Fixed

With the messenger bug fix, when the app runs in the background and you open messages from push notifications, the chat won’t be empty.

Bug Fixes and Improved Performance

We have improved the overall app performance and fixed bugs.