Decline Reasons

Overview of Decline Reasons

Within the Estimates module, users can view a graph in the Decline Reasons section that illustrates the percentage distribution of all existing decline reasons, as well as the specific reasons for declining individual Estimates. Date period, decline reason, and other parameters like clients, price, services, and estimators can filter the information.

To access the submodule, navigate to Estimates Decline Reasons.

Access Decline Reasons

1. Clicking the actual date period allows the user to change it. The following options can be selected:

  • Today;
  • Yesterday;
  • Last 7 days;
  • Last 30 days;
  • This Month;
  • Last Month;
  • Custom range.

After a specific date period has been selected, the actual data for the period will be reflected on the chart.

Example of the modal window that appears if the Custom range option is selected. The first and last date of the desired period should be selected. To submit changes, the user should click Apply. Otherwise, to close this window, click Cancel.

Select date range

2. The Blue filter button, when clicked, allows the user to select all, several, or specific decline reasons that users want to see displayed in the chart.

Blue filter button

The numbers shown next to each decline reason show how many estimates with such in the system. Check the screenshot above where 2 estimates with the Price is too high decline reason.

3. The Yellow filter button, when clicked, allows users to filter the data on the chart according to the following parameters: client, price range, services, and estimators. Clicking Go! will apply the filter according to the entered parameters.

Apply selected filters

  1. Data on the chart is presented according to the filters set and date range (check 1–3 points) in percent. Each decline reason has its color, which can be looked up in the legend, to the right from the chart.

  2. Click the Client’s name will redirect the user to this client’s profile.

  3. Click the Estimate number will redirect the user to this estimate’s profile.

  4. Click sort icons next to Client Name, #Estimate, Date Created and Total allows the user to sort the whole list with estimates that were declined depending on what icon was clicked on.

  • If the sort icon next to the Client Name is clicked, the estimates list will be sorted from the shortest to the longest name. If clicked again, from the longest to the shortest name.

  • If the sort icon next to #Estimate is clicked, the estimates list will be sorted from the lowest estimate number to the highest and if clicked twice, the list will be sorted from the highest to the lowest.

  • If the sort icon next to Date Created is clicked, the estimates list will be sorted from the oldest date to the newest and, if clicked twice, from the newest date to the oldest.

  • If the sort icon next to the Total is clicked, the list will be sorted from the highest to the lowest aggregate estimate price for all services included.

  1. Clicking the eye button redirects the user to the Estimate profile.

  2. Clicking the Previous, Next, and numerous buttons allows the user to navigate through the pages of the list.