The map shows clearly where each task is situated, based on the address mentioned in the task within the system. Users can see tasks, leads, and GPS Tracking on the Tasks Map.
To find the Tasks Map, navigate to Tasks → Tasks Map.
1. When a user clicks the Map button and adds a tick next to Terrain, the system displays a physical map based on terrain information.
2. If the Satellite button is clicked, the user has the option to remove labels if needed, for clarity.
3. By clicking on the Loop icon, users can search for a specific task by Name, Phone Number, and Email that is linked to it within the system.
4. By clicking this button, the map expands to full-screen, hiding all other elements.
5. Clicking the Filter button triggers the left-side filter menu to appear. If clicked one more time, the side menu collapses.
6. When the toggle button is turned on next to Leads, leads will appear on the map.
7. When the toggle button is turned on next to Tasks, tasks will appear on the map.
8. GPS Tracking - whenever this toggle button is ON, and no user is selected under Assigned to (point 9), all users (who have within User → User Management, setting Require GPS to track time Access set to Yes and GPS tracking toggle ON) will be shown on the map as a pin.
Example from Treedoctors:
9. Clicking on the dropdown allows users to filter the tasks on the map according to the assignee. Several assignees can be selected if needed.
10. Clicking on the dropdown allows users to filter the tasks on the map according to the category. Several categories can be selected if needed.
11. Clicking the date allows a user to select a specific date range, according to which they want to filter the tasks on the map. Several options are available:
Last 7 days;
Last 30 Days;
This Month;
Last Month;
Custom range.
Clicking the Clear button will remove this filter.
Example: How to select the dates from the date picker. The first and last days should be selected. Month and year can be selected from the drop-down lists at the top. Click Apply to confirm the chosen period or click Cancel to hide the date picker.
If clicked and dragged to any place on the map, the user will see real photos of the surroundings on the map.
Clicking “+” allows zooming in the map, while clicking “-” zooming out.
The task color depends on the task of the user, that was selected as assignee to this specific task. (The user color within the system can be adjusted if you go to User Management → User → Under Basic section).
If the user clicks the task on the map, the window with additional information appears. Also, there’s a possibility to change the task instantly: date, time, estimator, category, and add the note for this task.
Clicking on the Save button, applies all the changes, while clicking on the Close button, closes this window.
Example: How the window with additional information looks like when the task is clicked on.
Different task categories have different colors on the map according to the color of the assigned user.
Expiration date
Task expiration date is managed in the Company Management → Appointment Management → Appointment Task Expiration Date field. After setting the number of minutes, the tasks older than that don’t show on the map even when the set period in the Date filter includes them.