“Brands” feature offers an opportunity to add and use another label, company information and logo when communicating with a client.
With this feature you can create clients and estimates with a brand different from the main brand and send your clients estimate and invoice emails with PDFs containing your preferred brands.
To access the “Brands” module, click on the user name in the top right corner and from the drop-down menu choose the “Brands” option. In this section, you can edit the existing brands as well as create new ones.
Creating a New Brand
To create a new brand, click on the “Create New Brand” button at the bottom left side of the screen.
In the “General” section fill out the brand's name, phone number and email address. In the "Address" section fill out the brand's address details.
If you want to use this brand as the default brand, tick the “It's Default Brand” box.
After the “General” and “Address” sections are filled out, click “Save” in the top right corner to save the brand.
After the brand is saved, you can start adding brand details such as logo, PDF terms and settings.
Editing a Brand
In the “Brands List” section on the left side of the screen you can find the list of all existing brands.
To delete a brand, click on the “Bin” icon next to the preferred brand.
Note that you cannot delete the default brand. To delete the default brand, mark another brand as “Default” and after that you will have the ability to delete the brand.
If you click on the brand, you can edit or add the brand’s logo, estimate and invoice PDF terms, PDF and review settings as well as edit general information.
Alternative address
If you need to hide your primary address and show an alternative, add a checkmark next to Alternative address. The alternative address will be shown on Portal and PDFs
“Logos” section
In the “Logos” section you can view or change the logos for the chosen brand.
Note that if you want to change the logo from the default logos to new ones, you need to set up the logos for different pages. This includes the main logo, the logo to be used on the estimate PDF, payment PDF, the watermark, etc.
If you want to change any of the logos for the brand, click on the “Pencil” icon on the top, add the logo from your device, crop/rotate accordingly and click on the “Apply this image” button.
“Estimate PDF Terms” section
In the “Estimate PDF Terms” section you can view and edit the estimate terms and conditions for the brand.
If needed, you can customize the Terms & Conditions text and make it unique based on the client type, by adding a checkmark next to Different templates by client types and specifying the client's type from the dropdown list
You can use the options above the text field to make the terms and conditions file look according to the brand needs.
To see how the PDF looks, click on the “Preview” button in the top right corner, where you can also download or print the file.
“Invoice PDF” section
In the “Invoice PDF” section, you can add the payment terms and conditions for the chosen brand.
Similar to “Estimate PDF Terms” section, you can:
- Customize the Terms & Conditions text and make it unique based on the client type by adding a checkmark next to Different templates by client types and specifying the client's type from the dropdown list.
- Use the options above the text field to make the terms and conditions file look according to the brand needs.
- See how the PDF looks, click on the “Preview” button in the top right corner where you can also download or print the file.
“Settings” section
In the “Settings” section, you can add the PDF footer to be used for all the PDF files.
Within this section, you can:
- Use the options above the text field to make the terms and conditions file look according to the brand needs.
- See how the PDF looks, click on the “Preview” button in the top right corner, where you can also download or print the file.
“Review Settings” section
In the “Review Settings” section you can add and adjust the review message for the feedback page.
1. You can adjust the review title text, that will be seen on the Portal, once you click on the Feedback
2. Here you can adjust links, that will appear in the footer of the Portal page:
- To add a new link, click on the "+" button.
- To delete an existing link, click on the "Bin" button.
3. Adding a checkmark next to Custom Review allows you to remove likes and dislikes with a custom link and specify a custom button label.
4. Note that you need to add the "Like" and "Dislike" messages text separately in the respective sections.
Once you make all the required changes and add the information needed, click on the “Save” button in the top right corner of the screen to save the changes.